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Mark 15 Some May Find This Content Upsetting – The Crucifixion

by on April 24, 2024

This is event undoubtedly changed the course of human history and future. In preparing to write these notes I came across the following description of crucifixion, as practiced by the Romans.

When the nail was driven through the wrist, it severed the large median nerve going to the hand. This nerve stimulation produced excruciating bolts of fiery pain in both arms, and could result in a claw-like grip in the victim’s hands.

Beyond that excruciating pain, the posture of crucifixion made it painful to simply breathe. The weight of the body pulling down on the arms and shoulders made it feel like you could breathe in but not out. The lack of oxygen led to severe muscle cramps, which made it even harder to breathe. To get a good breath, one had to push against the feet and flex the elbows, pulling from the shoulders. Putting the weight of the body on the nail-pierced feet produced searing pain, and flexing the elbows twisted the hands hanging on the nails. Lifting the body for a breath also scraped the open wounds on the back against the rough wooden post. Each effort to get a proper breath was agonizing, exhausting, and led to a quicker death.

“Not uncommonly, insects would light upon or burrow into the open wounds or the eyes, ears, and nose of the dying and helpless victim, and birds of prey would tear at these sites. Moreover, it was customary to leave the corpse on the cross to be devoured by predatory animals.” (Edwards).

Death from crucifixion could come many different ways: Acute shock from blood loss, suffocation from being too exhausted to breathe, dehydration, heart attack induced by stress or heart rupture from congestive heart failure.


However, if the victim didn’t die quickly enough, his legs were broken, and he was soon unable to breathe.

How bad was crucifixion? We get our English word excruciating from the Roman word “out of the cross.” “Consider how heinous sin must be in the sight of God, when it requires such a sacrifice!” (Clarke)

I’m not sure if I’ve ever considered the horror of Jesus’ sacrifice. We know it was awful but I wonder if we realise the scale of pain Jesus endured. He had to die for us, but He did so much more than that. His death was the most painful and horrific possible.



Have you ever thought about how He died for us rather than that He died for us, which He most definitively did. Does it change the way you worship Him?

Prayer:   Dear Lord Jesus. I’m so sorry for my sinfulness that held you there on that cross. Thank you that you love me so much you gave your life freely that I may be with you one day for all eternity in heaven. Amen.

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