Transporting Children and Young People Policy

    February 01, 2024


    Fountain of Life Transporting Children and Young People Policy


    There will be occasions when staff/volunteers are expected or asked to transport children as part of their duties. Staff/volunteers who use their own vehicles for transporting children should ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy, with a current MOT certificate, appropriately insured (this means insurance for business use) and that the maximum capacity is not exceeded. Drivers should do their utmost to spend the least amount of time alone in a car with a young person and where transporting a number of children/young people, should be mindful of not leaving the most vulnerable in the car until last where possible. A group text is sent to inform other Children Youth and Families staff that children or young people are being transported.


    Written consent must be obtained from a parent or carer prior to transporting a child. Children must be dropped off and collected by a parent/carer who has previously booked with CYF staff. Youth may be picked up and dropped off at a designated point where a parent has given written permission (via FOL Youth Registration Forms). For local trips, which are defined as within county, one DBS checked driver (staff or volunteer) and one other DBS checked adult must be with the minibus at all times. Standby minibus drivers may also be used who are able to meet the minibus if issues were to arrive on local journeys. For longer journeys e.g. outside county, 2 DBS checked drivers (staff or volunteer) must be present.


    It is a legal requirement that all passengers should wear seat belts and it is the responsibility of the staff member to ensure that this requirement is met. Staff/volunteers should also be aware of current legislation and adhere to the use of car seats for younger children. Where staff/volunteers transport children in a vehicle, which requires a specialist licence/insurance e.g. PCV or LGV - they should ensure that they have an appropriate licence and insurance to drive such a vehicle.


    It is inappropriate for staff/volunteers to offer lifts to a child or young person outside their normal working duties, unless this has been brought to the attention of the line manager or ministry leader and has been agreed with the parents/carers.


    There may be occasions where the child or young person requires transport in an emergency situation or where not to give a lift may place a child at risk.  Such circumstances must always be recorded and reported to a manager and parents/carers.


    The Fountain of Life should keep records of driving licences for all staff/volunteers using their cars for work. FoL Minibus Guidelines must be adhered to alongside this policy.


    This means that team leaders should:

    • ensure workers are aware of appropriate guidelines for transporting children and young people


    This means that workers should:

    • have read and agreed to the terms of this policy
      • ensure they are fit to drive and free from any drugs, alcohol or medicine which is likely to impair judgment and/ or ability to drive
      • be aware that the safety and welfare of the child is their responsibility until they are safely passed over to a parent/carer
      • ensure that their behaviour is appropriate at all times
      • ensure that there are proper arrangements in place to ensure vehicle, passenger and driver safety. This includes having proper and appropriate insurance for the type of vehicle being driven
      • ensure that any impromptu or emergency arrangements of lifts are notified and agreed with managers

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