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John 17 Jesus Prays

by on April 18, 2024

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (v.3).

This chapter in John has been dubbed Christ’s “high priestly prayer,” where John records that Jesus prays firstly for Himself, then for His disciples, and finally for all believers.  Here in John, we grasp the true heart of Christ, that His only mission on Earth was to Glorify God!

In verse 4, the Greek word for glory, ‘doxa’, indicates the high opinion of a person by others.  In the New Testament, however, this Greek word takes on the quality of the Old Testament, ‘kabod’, which emphasizes the majesty of God seen in His self-revelation. When Christ speaks of His actions bringing God glory, He means that the beauty and majesty of God’s nature has been revealed in what He has done. The amazing reality we see in Christ’s prayer is that we too can glorify God.  When we do God’s will, He expresses Himself through us.  Even we can display the beauty of God!

One question that ‘crops up’ in discussion among Christians is can we lose our salvation.  In verse 12 we see the irrelevance of debating such a point.  God’s own power protects and keeps Christ’s own. And they persist in faith until the end.

We have a uniquely personal relationship that Christ prays we will experience with Him.  How wonderful to see here that Jesus has already prayed for you and I, and that He continues to do so before the throne of God the Father. 














Why does Jesus pray for Himself? ow does Jesus’ prayer for you impact you today?

Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, by your Holy Spirit’s infilling, help me this day to live a life that brings glory to the Father. Amen.

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