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Acts 3 Come Holy Spirit!

by on May 07, 2024

As we read through these passages in Acts it’s easy to see the similarities between the world in which Peter and John were working and our own world. Nobody expected that miracles would happen after Jesus had gone. Nobody thought that God had the power to do very much at all. So, when this beggar was healed everyone was mystified. Imagine the same thing happening now. Imagine someone sitting in a shop doorway begging because he or she was disabled and unable to work. How would people react? How would the disabled person react? What opportunities would it open up to share the gospel? Peter and John got the opportunity to share the gospel with all sorts of people. As we’ll see tomorrow they were even challenged by the authorities over it.

Recently I was talking to a parishioner from another church who knew about ours and had visited once or twice. She asked how we had managed to grow our church so successfully but when I said we ask the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us and grow us she couldn’t quite comprehend what that meant so she asked more questions about the way our services were constructed rather than wanting to know more about the Holy Spirit. That is the nature of our current problem with evangelism – people no longer believe in the power of the Holy Spirit or expect that He can work in us or through us. When He does move they will try to rationalise it or explain it away.

Peter and John didn’t shy away from the task. On the contrary they stepped into it seeking to explain to the people what God was doing, explaining the scriptures and pointing people back towards the God who created the heavens and the earth and who sent His only Son to save us from the weight of our sin. We should do likewise. Come Holy Spirit!






Have you come across a situation where God’s presence was so real to you that you could feel Him wanting to move? How did you react? How did those around you react? What will you do differently when it happens again?


Holy Spirit come! Fill us with Your heavenly presence. Help us to be Your witnesses in this corner of the earth. Use us to bring healing and restoration to those we meet. Equip us to share the gospel  when you call us to do so and help us to be obedient to Your every word. Amen.

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