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folNews October 2019

folNews October 2019

by fol CHURCH on October 01, 2019

Dear Friends,

One of the things that Jesus often said as He ministered to people was “I do what I see my Father in heaven doing” (John 5:19). Recently I have been impacted deeply by the way that works. If you’re anything like me you’ll have a tendency to think something’s a good idea and run at it full speed expecting everything to be brilliant and work out well. I am also an outrageous optimist. Quite often things don’t turn out so well. So I’m learning, and in some things I am a slow learner, that waiting for the opportunities that God puts before me are the ones I need to invest my time and energy into. My days are therefore filled with questions like ‘Where are you going with this Lord?’ Or, ‘Father, show me what you want me to do in this situation?’ Then I wait. Sometimes the answer is to step into something and sometimes I’m just off the mark and I have to let it go which is absolutely fine too. But sometimes God does something amazing that I didn’t see coming and the blessing that comes out of the action goes much further than I could have imagined.


Inside this issue of FoL News you’ll find a thank you note that came from someone who joined us from another church on the Boulder Gang Team at new Wine this year. Carol who heads our refreshment team responded to a prompt from the Holy Spirit and asked us as a congregation to bless the BG team with some fruit to eat while at the event. In the end you, as a congregation, donated an amazing amount of money that provided fruit, a range of snacks and even hot cross buns for over 100 team members throughout the event. You can read what that did for 1 person on page 5. We’ve had many verbal ‘thank you's’ but this one explains the impact best. What seemed like a small thing at the time blessed many people in ways we couldn’t anticipate. A month ago I wrote here that the landscape in the church community is changing so I’m asking again ‘What are You doing here Lord?’ ‘Where are You going?’ ‘What do You want me or this church to do?’ I’m responding to a nudge from the Holy Spirit here because I think this is a question for all of us to ask. So I want to encourage you to look at the things that are happening around you. Ask who is God putting across my path? What are the people around me talking about? What are the opportunities that God is presenting to either me or the church? What are the needs in the place where I live and/or work and what can either I, or the church, do about it?

If we can discern what our Father in heaven is doing we’ll see abundant blessings being poured out. Even seemingly simple ideas can become grand outpourings of God’s grace when we do what our Father in heaven is doing.

Abundant Blessings,


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